Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2011

Superspam: Aus aktuellem Anlass

Und noch ein Supersam, mit auch noch SEHR AKTUELLEM Anlass... Ich kenn da einen Politiker, dem ich das gleich weiterleiten werde ;-)

SUBJECT: "Passed over again for that promotion, no Dgeree? all you need to know about the music business"

Hi! !

Add Dcotorate, Doctoarte or Doctroate Dergees to your resume in just 4-6 weeks and open avenues to promotion and better jobs!

This is a rare chance to make a right move and receive your due benefits... if you are qualified but are lacking that piece of paper, Get one from us in a fraction of the time.

At your Own Convenience!. No Examination!. No Class!.

Think of it, within four to six weeks, you too could be a college graduate. Many people share the same frustration, they are doing the work of the person that has the degree and the person that has the degree is getting all the money.

Give us a call NOW!

+ 1 - 646 - 537 - 1732
Please leave us your:
1) Your Name
2) Your Country
3) Phone No. with countrycode if outside USA

We will get back to you ASAP

(via Veit)

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